Austria - RKSV
General information on the Cash Register Security Ordinance / Cash Register Security Regulation (RKSV) in Austria, as well as on related laws, ordinances and guidelines.
- Checklist Austria
- Cash Register Webservice - FinanzOnline
- The most important things at a glance
- The most important terms of the RKSV
- Why were these regulations introduced? – Background and objectives
- The new obligations in Austria due to the RKSV
- Who is affected by RKSV? Who needs a cash register?
- Are there any exceptions or special arrangements?
- What are the deadlines?
- What to do? Need for action for entrepreneurs
- Technical details and characteristics
- Document creation and requirements for the document
- Content machine-readable code
- Special receipts of the RKSV (start receipt, final receipt, monthly receipt, annual receipt)
- Failure scenarios
- Cash register failure
- Failure of the technical security device
- Failure of the signature or seal creation unit
- Procedural documentation
- Tax advantage
- Cash register inspection Austria
- Penalties for non-compliance
- Legal basis and additional links