This article provides support for registering as a new user in the RetailForce portal.
Only users with access to the RetailForce Cloud Portal can authorise new users for access. Through the process described in the article "Add new users", the RetailForce Cloud system sends an invitation email with the following content:
Guten Tag,
Sie wurden für den Zugriff auf die Organisation 'xyz' im RetailForce Cloud Portal, über die Email-Adresse ('') eingeladen.
Bitte klicken Sie auf den nachfolgenden Link, um die Einladung zu akzeptieren oder abzulehnen:
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Ihr RetailForce Team.
Dear Madam or Sir,
you have been invited to access the organisation 'xxxxx' in the RetailForce Cloud Portal via your email address ('').
Please click the following link to accept or decline the invitation:
Best Regards
Your RetailForce Team
The following describes how to register for a new account on the RetailForce portal. If you already have a user account in the RetailForce portal, you must log in to accept the invitation. How to proceed is described in the article "Invitations".
After clicking on the link contained in the invitation email, you will be taken to the Registration page. If a user account already exists in the RetailForce portal for the email address to which the invitation email was sent, you will be redirected to the login page.
The following information is required for registration:
- Email - email address to which the invitation was sent - is already pre-filled
- Name - first name
- Surname - surname, family name
- Country - selection of the country
- Passwort - enter a secure password
- Confirm password - confirm the entered password
- upper case letter(s),
- lower case letter(s),
- number(s) and
- special characters (underscore is not interpreted as a special character, use the special characters of the number-row on your keyboard - !@#$...)
Recommendation: use at least 2 special characters, at least 2 upper and lower case letters and at least 2 numbers.
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