This article describes requirements for different types of documents in France. The layouts of the individual documents serve only as examples. The design of the corresponding document types is up to you. In any case, care should be taken to integrate the necessary elements.
The individual document elements are described in the documents of the respective certifying authority:
- Infocert: NF525
- LNE: Certification standard for cash register systems
Document typ: sales receipt
Document standard: NF525
Document elements
Company information |
Name and full address, VAT ID, telephone number, company form, country,... SIRET number and NAF code must be included Attention "Country": France should be written out in full; not just country abbreviation
Attention: Invoices must also contain the following company information:
Capital social – optional |
optional specification Attention: mandatory when issuing invoices!
software version 1) |
Version of the cash register software used (electronic recording system). Attention: see Infocert certification rules!
Note on test- / demo-mode | If the receipt was generated using a test/training or demo mode, this must be indicated accordingly on the receipt. |
Document type / business transaction type | Document type (-type) / type (type) of business case. E.g. Ticket / Vente = Sales document / Sale |
Operator ID |
Identification of the cashier (attention: GDPR), recommendation: only first names, or anonymised Conditional requirement: i.e. if the sales staff (e.g. waiter/waitress) is managed in the software, the ID of the respective cashier must be printed on the documents (all document types); if the sales staff is not managed in the software, it does not have to be printed. Attention: If several people are involved in the transaction, then several IDs must also be printed (e.g. in the individual line).
Item quantity and description, VAT code and prices | Number of the item (sold), its description, the tax rate belonging to the item and the price |
Total | Total price incl. taxes (VAT) |
Payment type(s) | Payment type and total per payment type |
VAT breakdown |
Tax class indicator (e.g. "S = 20%"; "R = 10%";...) Tax amount Net amount |
Date and time |
Date and time when the document was created |
Receipt number |
Sequence number of the document Attention: a separate number sequence must be used for each document type. This means own consecutive number ranges per:
Fiscal code |
Fiscal mark of the document, includes SW category ("B"), certificate number and signature extract. |
Number of lines |
Number of lines in the "Article" area |
Store and POS ID |
ID number of the company (optional) ID number of the location (Ets - short for "Établissement") ID number of the cash register |
Free text, pictures, QR code, etc. |
optionale field |
Note on NF525 2) |
Indication that the POS system has been certified according to NF525 and that the document complies with the requirements of NF525. |
Reprint / copy of document
Document typ: Sales receipt (reprint/copy of a sales receipt)
Document standard: NF525
Document elements
In addition to the elements of the original document, the following elements must also be included on a document reprint.
The document example refers to a sales document, the requirements also apply mutatis mutandis to other documents from which a reprint has been made.
Note on duplicate document | The indication that the document is a duplicate of a previously issued document must be clearly marked on the document. |
Number of document reprints | The number of receipt copies / reprints must be printed on the receipt. The value (number) is transmitted by the RetailForce system via the interface. The prerequisite for this is the integration of the corresponding function at the cash register. |
Preliminary document / Intermediate document "Note"
Document typ: Summary (preliminary or intermediate document - French "note")
Document standard: NF525
The (French) "NOTE" is a summary receipt, which is given to the guest as a summary of the consumption, for example in gastronomy. Only upon payment (or often only after payment) does the guest receive the actual receipt. Within NF525, the "note" must fulfil certain requirements. For example, it must be recorded if a 'note' has been cancelled, or if a 'note' has ultimately not resulted in a 'ticket' (sales receipt).
Document elements
Company information |
Name and full address, VAT ID, telephone number, company form, country,... SIRET number and NAF code must be included Attention "Country": France should be written out in full; not just country abbreviation
Document type / business transaction type + document No. | Document type / type of business case. E.g. "Note de vente" = Summary document of a sale; in this layout the consecutive document number is shown here (no "must", but document No. must be included!). |
Note on "provisional document" | The "note" must clearly show that it is a provisional document and NOT the actual sales receipt. |
Fiscal code (incl. note on NF525) |
Fiscal mark of the document, including SW category ("B"), certificate number and signature extract. Indication that the POS system has been certified according to NF525 and that the document complies with the NF525 requirements. |
Software version 1) |
Version of the cash register software used (electronic recording system). Attention: see Infocert certification rules!
Date and time - POS ID - Store ID |
Date and time when the voucher was created ID number of the cash register ("Caisse") ID number of the location (Ets - short for "Établissement") |
Operator ID | Identification of the cashier (attention: GDPR), recommendation: only first names, or anonymised |
Table | Information on table allocation (in the catering industry) |
Number and description of items, price and number of document lines |
Number of the (sold) item, its description, as well as the price. Attention: NO VAT / MwSt. information!
Number of lines in the "Item" area |
Total | Total price incl. taxes (VAT) |
Note on "provisional document" |
The receipt must clearly show that it is a provisional document and NOT the actual sales receipt. |
Note on document type |
Indication that it is a "note". |
Cash invoice
Document typ: cash invoice (French "facture")
Document standard: NF525
The French cash invoice ("facture") is essentially a normal sales document (="ticket"). The difference to the "ticket" is that customer information is printed on the receipt. As soon as customer information is printed on the receipt, the receipt is no longer a sales receipt but a cash invoice.
Document elements
In addition to the elements of a sales receipt, the following information must be printed on the receipt.
Document type / type of business case | Document type (-type) / type (type) of business case. E.g. Facture / Vente (or Facture de vente) = Cash invoice / Sale |
Customer information | Information on the customer, in the case shown it is an invoice to a business customer incl. indication of the VAT. Id.Nr. (= ID. TVA) |
1) ATTENTION: the cash register number for NF525 is described in the article Certification - Infocert NF525.
2) To be printed only if the receipt has been prepared according to the requirements of NF525 by Infocert.
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