In this article you will find the mapping of the Retail Force AuditLog EntryTypes to the event codes of the Danish SAF-T implementation.
All event entries that are mapped in the RetailForce system and can therefore be recorded can be found in the "Technical Event Protocol" article.
Event entries (audit log entries) are transmitted to the RetailForce fiscalisation service via the function:
SAF-T EventCode |
Description (Danish) |
RetailForce LogEntryType |
RetailForce EventCode |
13001 |
POS application start |
ApplicationStart | 500 |
13002 |
POS application shut down |
ApplicationShutDown | 501 |
13003 |
Employee log in |
UserLogin | 400 |
13004 |
Employee log out |
UserLogout | 401 |
13005 | Open cash drawer (Åbn kasseskuffe) |
DrawerOpen | 200 |
13006 | Close cash drawer (Luk kasseskuffe) |
DrawerClose | 201 |
13007 | Update of POS application (Opdatering af POS applikation) |
ApplicationUpdate | 502 |
13008 | X report (Kørsel af X-rapport) |
FiscalReportClosingDay | 1010 |
13009 | Z report (Kørsel af Z-rapport) |
FiscalPeriodClosingDay | 1000 |
13010 | Suspend transaction (Kvittering/bon på pause) |
DocumentSuspend | 2 |
13011 | Resume transaction (Genoptag kvittering/bon fra pause) |
DocumentResume | 3 |
13012 | Sales receipt (Salgskvittering) |
DocumentTypeSales | 100 |
13013 | Return receipt (Returkvittering) |
DocumentTypeReturn | 101 |
13014 | Copy receipt (Kopi af kvittering) |
DocumentReprintOther | 1 |
13015 | Pro forma receipt (Proforma kvittering) |
DocumentTypeProforma | 102 |
13016 | Delivery receipt (Udleveringskvittering ved kreditsalg) |
DocumentTypeDelivery | 103 |
13017 | Training receipt (Træningsmodus - alle typer kvitteringer) |
DocumentTypeTraining | 104 |
13018 | Other reports or receipts (Andre rapporter eller kvitteringer) |
DocumentTypeOther | 120 |
13019 | Cash withdrawal (Udtagning af kontanter fra kasse) |
DocumentTypeWithDrawal | 105 |
13021 | Price change (Prisændringer) |
MasterDataItemPriceChange | 700 |
13022 | Price look-up (Prisopslag) |
MasterDataItemPriceLookup | 701 |
13023 | Training mode on (Træningstilstand til) |
DocumentTrainingModeOn | 10 |
13024 | Training mode off (Træningstilstand fra) |
DocumentTrainingModeOff | 11 |
13026 | Emergency mode on (Nødtilstand til) |
ApplicationEmergencyModeOn | 505 |
13027 | Emergency mode off (Nødtilstand fra) |
ApplicationEmergencyModeOff | 506 |
13028 | Void receipt (Annulleringskvittering) |
DocumentTypeVoid | 121 |
13999 | Other (Øvrige hændelser) |
Other | 10000 |
Not supported event codes
Here you will find the event codes not supported by the system.
SAF-T EventCode | Description |
13020 | Export of journal to external storage [cash register] (Overførsel af journal til andet lagringsmedie) |
13025 | Memory full (Hukommelse fuld) |
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