Business transactions
Here you will find best practice examples of business cases / transactions and how they can be sent to the Fiscal Client.
- Business cases - BusinessTransactionTypes
- Long-term ordering processes in the catering industry
- Implementing Opening Balance
- Implementing sales, inhouse, cash payment
- Implementing Inhouse, EC payment
- Implementing Inhouse, Credit card payment
- Implementing sales takeaway, cash payment
- Implementing Sales no VAT, cash payment
- Implementing sales, barcode scan, cash payment
- Implementing, sales, multiple item quantity, cash payment
- Implementing voucher, cash payment
- Implementing sales, paid in cash and with 2 vouchers
- Implementing, sales, 10% discount, cash payment
- Implementing sales, takeaway, 10% discount, cash payment
- Implementing sales, EUR 10 surcharge, cash payment
- Implementing sales, takeaway, EUR 10 surcharge, cash payment
- Implementing deposit, payment with loyalty card
- Implementing return of empties incl. VAT
- Implementing training receipt
- Implementing changing payment methode
- Implementation of document abort
- Implementing receipt cancellation
- Implementing Change means of payment, tip additional (voucher already booked)
- Implementing returns (return parts of the transaction)
- Implementation of return of goods (claim)
- Implementing sales, incl. tips, cash payment
- Implementation of document cancel (void)
- Implementing void item within transaction
- Implementing changing an item within the transaction
- Implementing money skim off, EUR 5