The following JSON example shows a test- / training receipt.
The example is based on the client included in the Fiscal Service Sample Client {c1062c55-57c4-4ed2-9c53-aff1762326a4} (select via drop down menu).
Note: the following example may have been created with a historical version of the Fiscal Client. To ensure that the document corresponds to the current document model, use the up-to-date Fiscal Service Sample Client in combination with the latest version of the Fiscal Service and generate the JSON example in this way!
{ "UniqueClientId": "c1062c55-57c4-4ed2-9c53-aff1762326a4", "AdditionalFields": {}, "DocumentGuid": "d3340fbf-d1aa-49bd-8de9-9517d8639606", "DocumentId": "20210428T0705487446795+0200", "CreateDate": "2021-04-28T07:05:48.7436849+02:00", "BookDate": "2021-04-28T07:05:48.7456772+02:00", "ProcessStartDate": null, "DocumentNumber": null, "CancellationDocument": false, "DocumentReference": null, "IsTraining": true, "DocumentType": 0, "DocumentTypeCaption": null, "User": { "Id": "123", "Caption": "TestUser" }, "AllocationGroups": null, "Partner": null, "FiscalResponse": null, "FiscalDocumentNumber": 0, "FiscalDocumentRevision": 0, "FiscalDocumentStartTime": null, "Positions": [ { "ItemCaption": "Wedding bouquet", "ItemShortCaption": null, "Discounts": [], "Type": 0, "UseSubItemVatCalculation": true, "SubItems": null, "InHouse": false, "Quantity": 4.0, "QuantityUnit": null, "ItemId": "001180", "BaseNetValue": 76.64, "BaseGrossValue": 91.20, "BaseTaxValue": 14.56, "GTIN": "8718274490558", "BusinessTransactionType": 0, "VatIdentification": 1, "VatPercent": 19.0, "NetValue": 76.64, "GrossValue": 91.20, "TaxValue": 14.56, "AccountingIdentifier": null, "PositionNumber": 0, "PositionReference": null, "CancellationPosition": false } ], "Payments": [ { "Amount": 91.20, "PaymentType": "cash", "CurrencyIsoCode": "EUR", "Caption": null, "UniqueReadablePaymentIdentifier": null, "ForeignAmount": 0.0, "ForeignAmountExchangeRate": 0.0 } ] }
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