Document model
Information on the document model.
- Document model - changes
- Header-object RetailForce DOM
- Partner-object "partner"
- Positions-object "positions"
- Document reference-object "documentReference"
- Coupon-object "coupon"
- Tax Positions-object "taxPositions"
- Payment-object "payments"
- Payment Terms-object "paymentTerms"
- PaymentTypes
- Element "user"
- Element "salesPerson"
- Property "dateOfEntry"
- FiscalResponse-object "fiscalResponse"
- fiscalResponseAustria
- fiscalResponseBulgaria
- fiscalResponseDenmark
- fiscalResponseGermany
- fiscalResponseFrance
- fiscalResponseItaly
- fiscalResponsePoland
- fiscalResponseRomania
- fiscalResponseSweden
- fiscalResponseSpain
- Different types of positions
- Transfering discounts
- Document model - changes with version 1.4.1
- Document model - changes with version 1.4.0
- Document model - changes with version 1.3.0
- Document model - changes with version 1.2.0