In this section, you will learn how to solve problems that can arise in the course of power failures.
Attention: This article only concerns Fiscal Client versions up to 1.2.12. From version 1.2.12 onwards, a different mode is used to save data during the day and this problem can no longer occur.
Refers to
- FiscalClient as REST-service from version 1.1.0 up to version 1.2.12
After a power failure, the system returns an error when a receipt is to be posted. The following entry is found in the log:
2022-03-15 13:54:57.5538|RetailForce.FiscalService v1.2.6.0|[Error]|0HMG6GC0GCS6A:00000003|10|RetailForce.Common.Logging.BasicLogger|Request [0HMG6GC0GCS6A:00000003] error|System.Exception: Error while getting entries from zip (C:\ProgramData\RetailForce\Fiscal Webservice\6721d420-ffff-aaaa-0000-4c5dd06e2efa\documents\ Cannot find central directory
---> ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.ZipException: Cannot find central directory
at ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.ZipFile.ReadEntries()
at ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.ZipFile..ctor(String name)
at RetailForce.Fiscalisation.Entities.ZipFileExtended._OpenZipFile() in D:\SourceBRWO\Retail Experts\TrustedFiscalModule\CommonFiscalModule\Entities\ZipFileExtended.cs:line 404
at RetailForce.Fiscalisation.Entities.ZipFileExtended.GetEntries() in D:\SourceBRWO\Retail Experts\TrustedFiscalModule\CommonFiscalModule\Entities\ZipFileExtended.cs:line 145
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
This problem affects DocumentStore (if the file "" is affected). This is available as a backup for regular fiscal data. The fiscal data is stored additionally in this case and if the fiscal data is not affected by this error, this has no effect on the data integrity of the fiscal data.
Option 1
Normally, the fiscal software creates a backup of the file "". If the backup is not yet damaged, it can be used to restore data.
The backup file is located in the same directory as the "" and is named as follows:
To solve the problem, please apply the following steps:
- Stop fiscal service
- Go to the data directory of the damaged fiscal client
- Copy the file over the file
- Restart the service
Option 2
Attention: This option is only available if the fiscal data is backed up in the cloud and the GetConfiguration licence option has been assigned to the client.
If option 1 is unsuccessful or the file does not exist, you can proceed as follows:
- Go to the data directory of the damaged client
- Check if files are ready to be uploaded to the cloud
Attention: Only continue if there is no more data available for upload to the cloud. Otherwise, data loss is possible.
- Stop the FiscalService
- Move the data directory of the client to a safe place (it must no longer be in the data path of the fiscal service).
- Start the FiskalService
- Call the method RestoreClientByCloud -> the necessary data is restored from the cloud
Option 3
Attention: Only use this option if the other two methods did not work. With option 3, data loss may occur in the DocumentStore.
In this case, proceed as follows:
- Stop the FiscalService
- Backup (do not move!) the data directory of the client.
- Delete the files and in the documents directory.
- Restart the FiscalService
Concluding activities
Record the activities carried out in a suitable form in order to have this incident documented in the event of an audit by authorities.
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