The programme "Fiscal Service Client Sample" serves as an aid for the implementation of various business cases. The "Sample Client" generates the JSON structure to be transmitted to the Fiscal Client in the normal case for certain business cases.
The application is delivered with every version of the Fiscal Client and is available for download in the directory .../Samples/. After unpacking the .zip file, it is recommended to copy it into the RetailForce directory (under Windows: C:\ProgramData\RetailForce\>).
The sample client itself is then located at: \FiscalServiceClientSample\bin\Debug>FiscalServiceClientSample.exe
Test Client
The programme provides several test clients. In order to be able to use the application, a test client must be selected after starting the programme. In the following examples, the test client c1062c55-57c4-4ed2-9c53-aff1762326a4: (001-01 Test branch 001 (Germany, {c1062c55-57c4-4ed2-9c53-aff1762326a4})) is used.
Subsequently, various business cases can be constructed using the functions provided.
Example - simple sales document (receipt)
In this example, the sale of an item is mapped when the customer pays cash and the JSON structure is output.
- Select the document type - in this case "Receipt" for a regular sales document.
- Select an item from the drop-down menu - in the example a loaf of bread is sold.
- Click the "Add" button to add the selected item.
- Select the payment type - in the example "Cash" for a cash payment.
The JSON structure of the business case can then be output.
- Click on the button "Show document json".
- Click on the button "Copy Json" to copy the entire JSON document to the clipboard.
Operating elements
- Client - Selection of the client to be used
- DocType - Selection of the document type (DocumentType) the document types described in the article Document types and use in the specific countries are available.
- User (Id/Caption) - Entry option for user data (ID and designation/name).
- Training - Checkbox for activating the training mode for the document (document = training document).
- Table selection - Drop-Down for selecting the table assignment.
- Void with ref. - Void document with reference to a previously issued receipt.
- Item/Qty - Item selection and quantity (rightmost number field).
- Inhouse - mark an in-house consumption (catering).
- Number field - set the item quantity.
- Add - add the item and the selected quantity to the document.
- Booking - define the business case (several business cases can be defined per document); the business cases described in the article Business Cases - BusinessTransactionTypes are available for selection.
- Dropdown-menu VAT. - select the VAT.
- Number field - set the value in the selected currency (EUR).
- Add - add the item and the selected quantity to the document.
- Client control
- Get status - Query client status
- Add customer - Add customer information (enter in field on the left)
- Rem customer -
- Delete Position - delete item
- 10% discount - add 10% discount
- Allowan - add X (value in EUR) allowance
- Sub Total - add subtotal
- Cancel pos. - cancel the position
- Selection PaymentTypes
- Cash - cash payment
- EC Payment - bank card as means of payment
- CreditCard - Credit Card
- MultiPurpose Voucher - means of payment multi-purpose voucher
- Deposit dissolve - means of payment Dissolving deposit
- SinglePurposeVoucher - means of payment single-purpose voucher
- Send document json - send JSON document
- Show document json - show the JSON document
- Clear document - clear document - to start a new business case
- Validate - function validateDocument
- Store - function storeDocument
- Get EndofDay - generate end of day document
- Qr Code - Display QR Code
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