The following JSON example shows how to implement a "skim off" of EUR 5. By skim off we are talking about a specific form of pay out - you take money out of the cash drawer to avoid having too much cash at the POS.
The example is based on the client included in the Fiscal Service Sample Client {c1062c55-57c4-4ed2-9c53-aff1762326a4} (select via drop down menu).
Note: the following example may have been created with a historical version of the Fiscal Client. To ensure that the document corresponds to the current document model, use the up-to-date Fiscal Service Sample Client in combination with the latest version of the Fiscal Service and generate the JSON example in this way!
{ "UniqueClientId": "c1062c55-57c4-4ed2-9c53-aff1762326a4", "AdditionalFields": {}, "DocumentGuid": "fa99fbc3-a5be-4156-8f66-0e212348cc90", "DocumentId": "20210428T1306052553292+0200", "CreateDate": "2021-04-28T13:06:05.2553292+02:00", "BookDate": "2021-04-28T13:06:05.2553292+02:00", "ProcessStartDate": null, "DocumentNumber": null, "CancellationDocument": false, "DocumentReference": null, "IsTraining": false, "DocumentType": 10, "DocumentTypeCaption": null, "User": { "Id": "123", "Caption": "TestUser" }, "AllocationGroups": null, "Partner": null, "FiscalResponse": null, "FiscalDocumentNumber": 0, "FiscalDocumentRevision": 0, "FiscalDocumentStartTime": null, "Positions": [ { "Type": 3, "Caption": "", "Identifier": null, "BusinessTransactionType": 90, "VatIdentification": 5, "VatPercent": 0.0, "NetValue": 20.0, "GrossValue": 20.0, "TaxValue": 0.0, "AccountingIdentifier": null, "PositionNumber": 0, "PositionReference": null, "CancellationPosition": false } ], "Payments": [ { "Amount": 20.0, "PaymentType": "cash", "CurrencyIsoCode": "EUR", "Caption": null, "UniqueReadablePaymentIdentifier": null, "ForeignAmount": 0.0, "ForeignAmountExchangeRate": 0.0 } ] }
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