In this article you'll get information about the transition from V0.18 to V1.0.
If you have started integration with V0.19 or later you'll not need to read this article.
To success the validation process from after V0.19 with interface programmed to V0.18 or earlier you have to reflect the following changes:
Added property FiscalDocumentStartTime
We've added the property FiscalDocumentStartTime to the Document and the Fiscalresponse object.
If you create your document using the constructor Document(FiscalResponse response) after getting the FiscalResponse from the CreateDocument method you have nothing to do.
If you create the document by your own without using the constructor you have to set at least this 3 fields additionally to the other fields which you want to send to the fiscal system.
- FiscalDocumentNumber
- FiscalDocumentRevision
- FiscalDocumentStartTime (NEW)
If you do not set this new property you'll get an validation error.
Added property PaymentType to DocumentPayment
We've added the payment type to the document payment (in the payments collection).
You need to set this property.
For more information regarding the payment type please consider following article:
Added BusinessTransactionType to DocumentPosition
We've added the business transaction type to the document position (in the position collection).
You need to set this property if you're not sending a normal item position.
For more information regarding business transaction types please refer to the document object model documentation.
We'll release a business case overview in the next view days with samples regarding the usage of special business transaction types in case of a special business case.
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