In order to be able to operate cash register systems in accordance with the Swedish Cash Register Act, they must fulfil the requirements for cash registers. Among other things, cash registers must be connected to a certified control unit (Swedish: "certifierade kontrollenheter"). Furthermore, the manufacturer (!) of the cash register must declare that its system complies with the Cash Register Act (manufacturer's declaration).
Part of the manufacturer's declaration is a test protocol which shows that the control unit responds correctly and that the data returned by the control unit is also printed correctly on the till receipts.
The test protocol is created as part of acceptance tests with the manufacturer of the CCU. The process of these tests is described below.
Acceptance test procedure
1. Setup structure for acceptance tests
- At least two terminals (cash registers) are required
- The terminals used as well as the entities above them must not have been assigned a test configuration beforehand!
- Create the structure or configuration as described in "Acceptance test systems" in the article "Test systems Sweden".
2. Generation of test data
- The CCU manufacturer specifies a series of test cases that must be processed.
3. Submission to CCU manufacturer
- The completed test catalogue must be sent to the CCU manufacturer.
- If comments/complaints are made by the CCU manufacturer, adjustments must be made and the tests repeated until no more points are objected to.
4. Confirmation by CCU manufacturer
- The CCU manufacturer confirms that the tests have been carried out without any complaints.
5. Manufacturer's declaration
- As the manufacturer of the cash register system, you must submit the form "1509 07 - Manufacturer's declaration Cash Registers" together with the annexes:
- Confirmation of acceptance and
- test catalogue / test protocol
to the Swedish Tax Agency.
6. Cash register registration
This step is not part of the acceptance procedure, but should be mentioned here for the sake of completeness:
- The taxable company that uses cash registers must report each cash register to the tax authority.
- The declaration is made via the Swedish Tax Agency's e-services,
- which requires e-identification by the company.
- The e-Service can also be used by an authorised person who has been appointed as the registration office for the company's cash register. A registration office can be registered directly via the e-Service "Authorised representatives and powers of attorney" or via the form SKV 4859.
Further information can be found in the article "Registration of cash registers in Sweden".
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