In Denmark, cash payments are often rounded up or down to an even kroner or to the next 50 öre amount. This is not the case for card payments, where the exact öre amount is used in the payment.
To avoid validation errors when using rounding when sending the receipt JSON, the rounding difference must be transferred to Fiscal Middleware accordingly.
The following document example contains 3 items with a total value of DKK 705.15. Payment is made in CASH ("KONTANT"), therefore the amount should be rounded to a whole kroner amount (= DKK 705.00).
For this purpose,
- a total position is added ("Type": "[10] = Total" or "Type": 10),
- in which
- the amount before rounding "BaseValue": 705.15, as well as
- the applied rounding amount in the field "Rounding": -0.15 (in this case round down by -15 Öre) is indicated.
- The field "Amount": 705.0, in the area "Payments" contains the rounded amount. DKK 705.00.
"ModelVersion": "1.1.9",
"UniqueClientId": "ebf6f7ef-a6cd-464b-955a-a0a14122b761",
"ApplicationVersion": "1.0.0",
"AdditionalFields": {},
"AutomaticVatCalculation": 0,
"DocumentGuid": "98054223-344b-4e32-b015-a5346f45bca0",
"DocumentId": "98054223-344b-4e32-b015-a5346f45bca08",
"CreateDate": "2023-04-18T09:43:52.2702803+02:00",
"BookDate": "2023-04-18T09:43:52.270368+02:00",
"DocumentNumber": "20230418094352269",
"DocumentNumberSeries": "T",
"DocumentType": 0,
"User": {
"Id": "7",
"Caption": "Freja"
"AllocationGroups": [],
"PositionCount": 4,
"FiscalDocumentStartTime": 0,
"Positions": [
"ItemCaption": "Omelet Plain",
"Discounts": [],
"Type": "[0] = Item",
"Quantity": 1.0,
"QuantityUnit": {
"Id": "STK"
"ItemId": "1102",
"BaseNetValue": 108.00,
"BaseGrossValue": 135.00,
"BaseTaxValue": 27.00,
"BusinessTransactionType": "[0] = Revenue",
"VatIdentification": 1,
"VatPercent": 25.0,
"NetValue": 108.00,
"GrossValue": 135.00,
"TaxValue": 27.00,
"ItemTaxType": 0,
"PositionNumber": 0,
"AdditionalFields": {},
"ExternalIdentifier": []
"ItemCaption": "Div. Tilkøb",
"Discounts": [],
"Type": "[0] = Item",
"Quantity": 1.0,
"QuantityUnit": {
"Id": "STK"
"ItemId": "13999",
"BaseNetValue": 0.12,
"BaseGrossValue": 0.15,
"BaseTaxValue": 0.03,
"BusinessTransactionType": "[0] = Revenue",
"VatIdentification": 1,
"VatPercent": 25.0,
"NetValue": 0.12,
"GrossValue": 0.15,
"TaxValue": 0.03,
"ItemTaxType": 0,
"PositionNumber": 1,
"AdditionalFields": {},
"ExternalIdentifier": []
"ItemCaption": "Holmens Stjerneskud",
"Discounts": [],
"Type": "[0] = Item",
"Quantity": 1.0,
"QuantityUnit": {
"Id": "STK"
"ItemId": "3019",
"BaseNetValue": 456.00,
"BaseGrossValue": 570.00,
"BaseTaxValue": 114.00,
"BusinessTransactionType": "[0] = Revenue",
"VatIdentification": 1,
"VatPercent": 25.00,
"NetValue": 456.00,
"GrossValue": 570.00,
"ItemTaxType": 0,
"PositionNumber": 2,
"AdditionalFields": {},
"ExternalIdentifier": []
"Type": "[10] = Total",
"Rounding": -0.15,
"BaseValue": 705.15,
"Value": 705.15,
"Discounts": [],
"PositionNumber": 3,
"AdditionalFields": {},
"ExternalIdentifier": []
"Payments": [
"Amount": 705.00,
"CurrencyIsoCode": "DKK",
"Caption": "KONTANT",
"UniqueReadablePaymentIdentifier": "KONTANT",
"AdditionalFields": {},
"PaymentType": 0,
"ExternalIdentifier": []
"FiscalAdditionalFields": {}
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